Alleviate stress and anxiety

It may be reassuring to know that many people experience feelings of anxiety at some point in their lives. For example when moving house, starting a new job, preparing for and taking exams, or struggling financially. Some anxious feelings can be normal in these types of circumstances, but when they start to overwhelm you and become disproportionate to the situation that’s triggered it, or if you experience panic attacks, then it may be time to seek some help or support from a medical professional. Common symptoms of anxiety may include excessive worrying, difficulty concentrating, physical responses such as sweaty palms, racing heart and generally feeling agitated, fearful, irritable, tense or restless and having difficulty sleeping. 

Fundamentally, our bodies are designed to keep us safe and protect us from perceived danger via a rapid response system known as ‘fight or flight’. Back in the day of cavemen, if they were threatened by a hungry sabre-tooth tiger, the flight or flight survival instinct would kick in with the brain signalling danger via a surge of adrenaline activated by the sympathetic nervous system, alerting them through a series of physiological responses to either fight, or seek safety. This was a very real danger and an appropriate fear that required such a response in order to survive. Luckily, these days we aren’t faced with sabre-tooth tigers. However, sometimes our brains perceive stressful, non-life threatening situations in the same way, causing the unnecessary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and a heightened state of alert and associated feelings of agitation and discomfort. If we stay in this heightened state of alert for too long, then it can become detrimental to our wellbeing; therefore it is helpful to learn how to influence the body’s parasympathetic nervous system in order to help the body return to feeling more calm and relaxed.

Take back control

The good news is that with hypnotherapy, you can learn to have more control over how you respond to certain situations, giving you a greater sense of power in your own life. In our sessions, I will teach you about the body’s stress response so that you understand what’s happening at a physiological level and learn how to influence these automatic responses and bring your body back to a greater sense of equilibrium. We do this by learning relaxation skills and bringing awareness to your thinking to create more positive, helpful thoughts, coupled with visualisation and positive mental imagery to promote a greater sense of relaxation and calm, leaving you empowered and more in control of your life.

Start making positive changes now, and contact me for your FREE consultation using the link below.